Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Incredible sunset #117

I was walking in the lane that curves along a rocky part of the shore. Beyond the expanse of small black boulders was a tranquil blue-grey sea. I could see it in that lovely curve of bay, between the low green cliffs at either end.

The cloud formation that evening was such that it seemed as if pale mauve hills with sharp peaks rested on the horizon, on the shining rim of the mauve sea. And into these hills rising from the sea, a brilliant orange-red sun was dipping. All was grey and mauve, but for a hint of rose in the sky, and the vivid orange of the sun that contrasted with the blackness of the little boulders in the foreground.

Why are words so utterly useless in conveying the beauty of a sunset?

I think even a camera could not have captured the glory of that sunset.

Perhaps there are things, like love, that can only be experienced. And neither words nor pictures can ever really tell you what it was like.


Anonymous said...

love! am so mad at the feeling right now. Come to think of it, nothing has caused me as much grief as has this feeling. But yes, sunsets are good :)

Chandra said...

Thousands thanks varuna, I am often thought (when I am alone, but with the nature) the same way as you ponder simple but quite revealing feeling, it may be another order of musings.

ReturnofTheAsh said...

sunset #117?

Varuna Mohite said...

Return of the Ash, sunset #117 or #1128 or #1396, it doesn't matter. The numbers are meaningless.