Monday, January 19, 2009

Froggy weddings

Two little girls were married to two frogs the other day in a regular Hindu wedding ceremony. The marriage, villagers believe, will help to ward off evil spirits and prevent mysterious diseases. After the ceremony the frogs hopped back into the village pond and everyone forgot about the event.

It didn't happen in Goa, but I'm thinking: why not?

The frog here is regarded as Lakshmi, in any case.

Why not have young men marry the frog princess and bring the goddess of wealth home? It could be a rehearsal of sorts for the real thing. And a nice twist to the usual frog prince story.

Villagers, after all, love nothing more than big fat weddings.

And this one could become a big tourist attraction, given the fascination foreigners have for colourful and exotic Indian weddings.

Maybe frog brides will become the next big thing. Men wanting to ward off evil spirits will all come to Goa to get married. There'll be sunset weddings and beach weddings. The froggy bride will learn to love the sea and the sand and will hop daintily in the surf.

Of course, the frogs might not like this.

And then we might have one of those Mad magazine situations in which a very angry frog husband turns up at the wedding, trailing his little froggy children, and croaking: That's my wife there, you %$%$#@!

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